Pre-GA Versions

Upgrading to 0.9.0

  • Seldon Deploy 0.9.0 uses Knative 0.18.

  • For upgrading Seldon Deploy specifically

    • A license is required at app install/startup time. Contact Seldon for a license.

    • Seldon Core Analytics or Prometheus needs to be upgraded. Prometheus recording rules have been introduced. See Getting Started > Production Installation > Metrics Monitoring

    • If Seldon Core Analytics is used, upgrade with using seldon-deploy-install/prerequisites-setup/prometheus/ from the scripts extracted in Getting Started > Download Installation Resources.

    • Upgrading Seldon Core Analytics will reset prometheus data.

    • The requestLogger.image in the Helm values file is now

    • The requestLogger.trigger in the Helm values now has apiVersion “” and broker “default”.

    • The alibidetect.image in the Helm values is now seldonio/alibi-detect-server:1.4.0.

    • There is a new batchjobs section in the Helm values.

Upgrading to 0.8.2

Upgrading to 0.8.0

  • The sd-install script is now called sd-install-default. Or for a kubeflow install there’s sd-install-kubeflow.

  • The helm values file now has a single gitops section. This involves the following changes.

    • The recommended way to configure git credentials is in a git secret, though a token parameter to the chart can still be used.

    • The sd-install-default script contains an example of this. It is:

    kubectl create secret generic git-creds -n seldon-system --from-file ~/.ssh/id_rsa --from-file ~/.ssh/known_hosts --from-literal=passphrase="$GIT_SSHKEY_PASSPHRASE" --from-literal=username="$GIT_USER" --from-literal=token="$GIT_TOKEN" --from-literal=email="$GIT_EMAIL"  --dry-run -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
  • skipVerifyGit, gitwebhook, GITOPS_FORMAT and argocd config have all moved from github to the new gitops section in helm values file, see documentation.

  • if your ArgoCD Application does not follow naming pattern seldon-gitops-${namespace}, please, specify the ArgoCD application using namespace labels, see documentation.

  • The contents of the helm chart have also changed. In particular:

    • The istio virtual service no longer does path rewriting.

    • Permission is now required to watch argocd applications.

    • The liveness and readiness probes are now on /seldon-deploy/api/status

Upgrading to 0.7.0

  • The Deploy helm chart now contains an option to install a request logger in the seldon-logs namespace. This is on by default. Previously loggers were per-namespace. To use a single request logger installed through the chart, ensure the seldon-logs namespace is labelled for knative-eventing and that seldon core is v1.2.1 and has executor.requestLogger.defaultEndpoint http://default-broker.seldon-logs. For KfServing, if using it, the default broker will for now continue to be in the current namespace unless set at the point of creating the model deployment.

  • The helm values file has seen some changes.

    • There’s now a request logger section for installing the request logger to a dedicated namespace, if desired.

    • The istioIngress section has been renamed ingressGateway

    • There are extra options in the Prometheus section for using a secured Prometheus (assumes not secure by default, as before).

    • There are extra options in the Elasticsearch section for using a secured Prometheus (assumes not secure by default, as before).